Please see the list of active offerings below. You may click on any link for which you may have submitted an order request. Please follow the instructions outlined below.


Allocation results are available for each offering listed below. To view results, please select the link for each offering in which you submitted an order request. Once you have selected an offering, you will be prompted to enter the last 4 digits of either your Tax ID or Social Security number and then your BatchOrder number. Your BatchOrder number (6 digits) can be found on the receipt of order letter that was mailed to you. If you have any questions please call the stock information center. Any allocations provided will be displayed on the screen. Please follow these steps for each offering you may have participated in.

Current Offering Allocation Information

The shares of stock being offered are not deposits or accounts and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency.

This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy stock. This offer is made only by the prospectus.
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